X3 terran conflict best mods
X3 terran conflict best mods

x3 terran conflict best mods

The intelligent turret control is only half of the script. Keep in mind this only works on turrets and a TS with a single gun in the rear will not see much benefit. Built in features such as target prioritization make effective use of weapons you have onboard. In its most basic form it will switch weapons around in the turrets based on the probability to hit the target.

x3 terran conflict best mods

MARS stands for - Motion Analysis Relay System IEX changes this to look more like the vanilla except more menacing looking.Īnother one I have been playing with that is highly recommended by most of the Egosoft forum members is MARS Fire Control. Not shown is a planet that is in front of the giant roids too, I think thats what happens when you don't start a new game. Notice that the star field is on top of the background. This is Brennan's Triumph with just the regular IE in TC. If some newbie installed IE + IEX after only playing once or twice through the game they may not even realize the scope of whats changed, but for us, it is drastic and really adds atmosphere to X3.Ī great example. The screenshots doesn't do it justice, its one of those things you have to see ingame. So it changes planets and textures, the fog effect, view distances (AP only) and new backgrounds. IEX adjust some of the view distances and such and causes the game to become modified. I installed just the regular IE at first and it didn't make my game modified (ed: ignore that, it does make it modified. I was early in my last AP game so I just started a new one, no biggie for me. Apparently planets and suns could be out of place if added to an existing game. But it is recommended to start a new one because of how planets are generated or something.

x3 terran conflict best mods

Technically yes it can be added to an existing game.

X3 terran conflict best mods